Membership Benefits

Why Join KIVRA?

10 great reasons for joining KIVRA:

  1. To help protect and preserve the area in which we live making for a more secure and beautiful environment.
  2. To support representation for or against Planning / NEMA other legal applications.
  3. For effective campaigning on local issues including road maintenance, electrical and water services.
  4. For recognition by statutory authorities (local and national).
  5. To be an active member of the community network that supports the wider community.
  6. It gives an opportunity for social inter-action and participation in social and welfare events.
  7. It allows reciprocation and support of local businesses as part of members discount scheme (to be developed).
  8. Numerical strength gives us influence and credibility.
  9. To give yourself an additional voice in local affairs.
  10. To show that you care about your community.

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